Airbrush makeup and traditional makeup each have their own unique benefits and drawbacks depending on the individual's skin type, preferences, and desired look. Airbrush makeup is applied using an airbrush machine and is dispersed onto the skin using compressed air. The brush and sponge-free application method is considered more hygienic. However, there are some types of airbrush makeup where it can be applied using the traditional makeup application method.

One of the biggest advantages of airbrush makeup is its longevity of wear, as well as its ability to resist water. The coverage is also buildable (light to full), and it photographs beautifully in all forms of photography. However, it is not suitable for everyone, as it can look dry on dry skin and may not provide the desired finished look for those with acne scarring or textured skin. Because of this, all of my clients who wish to have airbrush makeup for their wedding are required to undergo a makeup trial beforehand. Airbrush makeup isn't always easy to touch up. Depending on the climate, environment, and the client's reaction like excessive sweating, makeup touchups in the wrong way can cause spotting or unevenness. It's crucial to follow proper techniques to avoid these problems.

On the other hand, traditional makeup is applied using a brush, sponge, or hands. It is suitable for all skin types and can be customized to match an individual's skin tone and undertones. It also has a longevity of wear and is water-resistant depending on foundation choice. One of the best things about traditional makeup is its versatility in terms of coverage, as it can be built up from a sheer to full coverage with a skin-like finish. Additionally, it is touch-up friendly and is perfect for mature skin. However, touch-ups may be needed depending on the individual's skin type and weather and climate conditions.

In terms of application, both airbrush makeup and traditional makeup require the use of a complimentary primer for the best results to assist in the longevity of wear and the overall finish look of the makeup application. Powder is also recommended for traditional makeup to set the products in place and ensure longevity of wear. Regardless of which type of makeup is chosen, it is essential to work with a professional who has experience with both airbrush and traditional makeup to ensure the best possible outcome for any occasion.

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