Preparing your skin before your wedding day is an important part of looking and feeling your best on your special day. Here are a few tips to help you prep your skin before your wedding:

  1. Exfoliate: Exfoliating your skin helps to remove dead skin cells, revealing smoother, brighter skin. It's best to exfoliate a few days before your wedding to avoid any redness or irritation. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub and be sure to moisturize afterward.

  2. Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water is essential for healthy, glowing skin. Aim for at least eight glasses a day in the weeks leading up to your wedding.

  3. Moisturize: Keeping your skin moisturized is key to achieving that dewy, radiant look. Choose a moisturizer that's right for your skin type and apply it morning and night.

  4. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can cause dark circles, puffiness, and dull skin. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night in the weeks leading up to your wedding.

  5. Protect your skin: Use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Apply it daily, even if you're not spending a lot of time outdoors.

Remember, these are just a few tips to help you prep your skin before your wedding. Be sure to talk to your dermatologist or esthetician for personalized advice and recommendations. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

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